Monthly Fasting Prayers

At the Vancouver Tamil Christian Assembly (VTCA), we celebrate the tradition of Monthly Fasting Prayers, a key element of our community’s spiritual fabric. Carried out in the intimate settings of members’ homes who volunteer to host these prayer gatherings, the initiative fosters a unique sense of community, warmth, and shared faith.

Cottage Prayers Coordinator, Irin Michel Charles, and Freddric Prabu work diligently to guide these gatherings, grounding them in biblical principles and nurturing an environment conducive to spiritual growth and connection. They carry the belief reflected in Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” In the comfort of a home, believers congregate to seek the presence of God together.

These prayer gatherings trace their roots back to the early Christian church. Acts 2:46 recounts, “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” The intimate atmosphere of a home mirrors this biblical tradition and allows for a more personalized worship experience.

Our Cottage Prayers aren’t mere religious gatherings but are vibrant spiritual communities where faith is lived out in tangible ways. Our members come together in unity, fast, pray, share testimonies, and delve deep into the Word of God. This dynamic, interactive model of worship helps cultivate a deeper understanding of biblical teachings, transforming our members’ spiritual lives.

The richness of our Cottage Prayers also lies in the unique bond they foster among the congregation. As believers share their home spaces, their faith journeys, and their spiritual burdens, a deep sense of fellowship is nurtured. This shared spiritual experience resonates with Hebrews 10:24-25, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together… but encouraging one another.”

Irin Michel Charles and Freddric Prabu’s guidance, coupled with the enthusiastic participation of our members, creates a truly enriching spiritual environment. Each prayer meeting becomes a sacred space of divine encounters, spiritual renewal, and communal edification.

VTCA’s Monthly Fasting Prayers are a testament to our commitment to embodying biblical principles of fellowship, prayer, and mutual edification. In the intimate settings of our members’ homes, we experience the essence of church – a community of believers committed to pursuing God together, supporting one another, and living out their faith in transformative ways.