Our Beliefs

Welcome to

Vancouver Tamil Christian Assembly

At our church, we firmly adhere to a set of core beliefs grounded in the Bible, underpinning our worship, fellowship, and service.

We believe in the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, each being coequal and coeternal (Matthew 28:19). They represent different aspects of the same Godhead.

We believe that Jesus Christ is God's only begotten son (John 3:16), conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:35), lived a sinless life (Hebrews 4:15), died on the cross for humanity's sins (1 Peter 2:24), and physically resurrected on the third day (Luke 24:6-7). He ascended to heaven (Acts 1:9) and will one day return in glory (Acts 1:11).

We affirm the Holy Spirit's active presence in the world today (John 14:26). The Spirit guides and empowers believers (Acts 1:8), and bestows spiritual gifts, as seen in the early church (1 Corinthians 12:4-11).

We uphold the Pentecostal experience of a personal spiritual encounter with the Holy Spirit, often manifested through various gifts of the Holy Spirit(Acts 2:4).

We believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired, infallible Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16), authoritative in all matters of faith and conduct. Through Scripture, we gain insight into God’s character, human nature, spiritual truth, and the path of salvation (Psalm 119:105).

We believe that salvation is attained through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (Ephesians 2:8-9). This faith is demonstrated through repentance, acknowledging Christ’s redemptive sacrifice on the cross (Romans 10:9).

We believe in the Church’s essential role as the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27), where believers gather for worship, fellowship, spiritual growth, and service to others. As a community of faith, we strive to express God’s love (John 13:34-35) through our words and actions.

Our beliefs are the bedrock of our faith and shape our mission as a church. We invite all who resonate with these beliefs or wish to explore them to join us in worship and community.

Grounded in the rich theological tradition of the Christian faith and in affiliation with the Melchizedek Ministries Foundation, the Vancouver Tamil Christian Assembly’s mission is guided by a deep understanding of God’s word.

Worship Experience

What to Expect?

Join us in our worship, a blend of reverential awe, heartfelt joy, and spiritual kinship. Our service starts with uplifting music, ranging from traditional hymns to contemporary Christian songs, setting the tone for the gathering. The sermon, deeply rooted in Scripture, serves as a catalyst for spiritual growth, offering relevance to everyday life. A shared prayer time underscores our unity, as we intercede together for personal needs and global concerns. Our worship concludes with fellowship, a chance to forge and deepen relationships within our church family. In our service, expect to feel connected, nurtured, and spiritually recharged.

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Our Vision

What We Believe

We uphold authenticity in foundational beliefs

We remain true to the core teachings of the Bible, cherishing them as our guiding compass in faith, and ensuring they inform all our decisions, actions, and attitudes.

We encourage exploration in interpretative beliefs

We invite healthy discussions around beliefs that are open to interpretation. Recognizing the value of diverse perspectives, we foster an environment where questioning, seeking, and growing in faith is celebrated.

We embody compassion in all interactions

Above all, we strive to live by the greatest commandment, love. Infusing compassion in all our interactions, we seek to reflect Christ's unconditional love, creating a community that uplifts, supports, and cherishes every individual.

"Doctrinal preaching certainly bores the hypocrites; but it is only doctrinal preaching that will save Christ's sheep."

- J.I. Packer
Our Team


We invite you to meet the guiding lights of our church community, our leadership team. This dedicated group of individuals, grounded in faith and led by the Holy Spirit, work tirelessly to serve our congregation, upholding our mission and vision. Their commitment to Christ's teachings, combined with a deep love for our church family, shapes their service. Get to know them a little better here.

Sekar Ponnusami

Senior Pastor

Victor Ashish Dasari

Youth/Additional Pastor